Methylation DNA test


Imbalances in methylation - too little or too much - can increase susceptibility to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, circulatory problems, chronic fatigue, infertility, immune and autoimmune conditions, food and chemical sensitivities, and mood and psychiatric disorders, as well as cancer and premature ageing.

The Methylation DNA test examines genes involved in five sub-cycles - folate, methionine, neurotransmitter, transsulphuration and urea. Genetic results will inform whether someone is likely to be poor or overly efficient at processing cofactors - B6, B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin), methionine, betaine, choline, zinc and magnesium; and inhibitors - chemicals, moulds, drugs, hormones and heavy metals and provide guidance on how to support or bypass bottlenecks or weaknesses.

Turnaround time: 3 weeks

What is included: in addition to the report embedded in the link below, you will also receive a commentary and interpretation PDF report from a certified functional medicine practitioner and nutritionist, who will support you with tailored dietary and supplemental guidance based on the results. Specific product recommendations cannot be provided, however, as these must only be offered when taking a full case history in a regular consultation, where medications and drug-nutrient interactions are taken into careful consideration.

Sample report

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