What they say about me

“Before working with Anastasia I had an adverse reaction to tapering off antidepressant medication too quickly which resulted in side effects including digestive problems, drastic weight loss, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sweating and blurred vision. After researching side effects from antidepressant withdrawal I decided to reinstate my medication and stabilise on them before attempting a slower tapering method that would enable my brain to repair itself from the damage of years of antidepressant use. With testing, Anastasia was able to identify an issue and support it with supplementation and making dietary changes so now I can taper off medication without experiencing severe side effects. Anastasia knows her field very well and strives to learn new research and knowledge which in turn makes me feel well advised and supported.”


“I can’t recommend Anastasia highly enough. After taking you on as a client, she remains committed through both the consultation process and all the aftercare, where she takes a real interest in how you’re continuing to do.
I came to her suffering from severe insomnia due to coming off prescription medication (too quickly). She advised me to return to taking it and to taper more slowly with nutritional and supplement support. This advice proved invaluable, as I was dangerously sleep deprived.
After diagnostic testing she helped me to make dietary changes which have seen invaluable mental benefits. After two weeks I had more energy and the cloud of depression lifted. I’ve been bouncing around, feeling great ever since. I would recommend Anastasia and Whole Mind Health to anyone who wants to find vitality in health.”


“I used to suffer from migraines that were so intense, I couldn't stand up from bed, drive, eat, or enjoy the sun. They would occur for the duration of one whole week a month, which was an absolute write off for me, as I’d have to be in bed the entire time and was unable to cook for my family, let alone myself. 

Today, after about 50 days under Anastasia’s care, migraine symptoms have disappeared by almost 100%. I became more conscious about food triggers, food combinations, hormone balance and hydration. In addition, she did her market research to scout the best supplements in my area (I live in Athens).

My sleep quality has dramatically increased, I have more energy throughout the day, everyone says that I look better. And I feel it too!

Anastasia and I are aware the change can be longer than three months, but I feel she is always at my side to support me and explain what to do next.”


“Anastasia really taught me about the importance of what I am eating in relation to my mental health and how it is linked. The plans were thorough and I found them easy to follow, and in a way has made eating exciting and interesting instead of just being a function. I would highly recommend her to anyone experiencing mental health difficulties because it has helped me so much.”


“With the changes in my diet, I not only felt better but also found that I had hugely reduced menstrual cramps, clearer skin and more energy. I have struggled with depression, anxiety and extreme mood swings in the past. I had never before thought that my diet could be a contributing factor to that. Working with Anastasia and coming to understand that relationship has really been eye-opening and honestly, life-changing.”


“I met Anastasia at a very challenging time. I was going through a mental health crisis, I had just been discharged from hospital and I was still feeling quite disoriented and unwell. Anastasia helped me to change diet and suggested a number of supplements that have really made difference in a short space of time. In a matter of a few weeks of my first session with Anastasia I was back on track, I could sleep much better and felt ready to go back to work. I would highly recommend Anastasia to anybody wishing to improve their mental health. She is well prepared and knowledgeable, has a compassionate approach and really knows how to put you at ease during sessions. Thank you for your precious support Anastasia!”


"Over the past few months, I have been undertaking consultations with Anastasia to support my son in overcoming OCD. Anastasia supported us to access genetic testing for mental health and thereafter she developed a bespoke nutrition plan for my son. I found Anastasia to be kind, supportive and extremely competent in her role. My son is making great progress and I feel the changes we are making will stay with him for life. Using a nutrition plan developed specifically to his needs, in addition to his therapy, he is finally overcoming OCD"


“After healing from surgeries and treatment following a breast cancer diagnosis in 2020, I was eager to take a look at my overall health and wellness. Anastasia worked with me over the course of six months to evaluate me and make recommendations for achieving optimal health. The experience was deeply satisfying, with concrete, actionable take-aways. I am especially grateful for how closely Anastasia researched the medications I take - one for hypothyroidism, and one for preventing a second occurrence of breast cancer. She overhauled my supplement regime to support my current needs, including adding supplements to counter any potential ill-effects of my medications.
It was important to me to choose a practitioner with the skills to support me through this time of anxiety. Having been through a cancer diagnosis and treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic was a dramatic hit. Anastasia's tender support during my period of emotional mending helped me to process and make space for my big emotions. We also confirmed through testing that other aspects of my health are quite good - which has given me tremendous peace of mind! Anastasia is an expert in her work and a pleasure to work with.”